Keeping a construction site clean

Messy construction siteWhen you think of a construction site, the words “clean” and “organized” don’t usually come to mind. Multiple companies and sometimes hundreds of people are working in a confined space, slinging tools, cutting material, kicking up dirt. It’s tough to keep such a chaotic space in order, but tidiness is important in order to reduce waste, improve inefficiencies, and keep workers and visitors safe.

An organized site will also impress customers, neighbors, visitors, or other individuals involved with the project. Who wants to work with a dirty, disorganized contractor? A messy site can be dangerous and lead to accidents and injuries. Don’t assume you can clean up everything at once when the project is complete. Ongoing cleaning is important.

Here is a list of things you can do to keep the job site clean, orderly, and safe.

  • Keep dumpsters on site for large amounts of debris and scraps
  • Provide trash cans throughout the site for smaller items
  • Gather and throw away waste as soon as possible to avoid large messes and dangerous working conditions – trips, slips, and falls are the most common workplace injury
  • Make sure special receptacles nearby as some municipalities require recycling of material
  • Label toxic substances and keep them in a safe place
  • Store flammable materials away from other materials
  • Create signage for hazardous conditions in any area that may have insecure materials or exposed wires
  • Keep areas such as stairways, hallways, and ladders free of obstructions
  • Secure any loose material
  • Remove, hammer in, or bend nails that may be protruding from lumber
  • Make sure openings in the floor are covered and protected
  • Provide chutes for throwing waste from one level of a project to another
  • Keep a proper place for everything – tools and materials shouldn’t be tossed around haphazardly
  • Assign specific tasks to every worker – this will keep people accountable and aware of the mess they’re making
  • A proper cleaning should take place once the project is complete, including washing windows, sweeping, mopping, and wiping surfaces like countertops


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