Lightning strike myths, facts, and protection

lightning strike

While thunderstorms put on a good summer show, they can be deadly, as lightning is very hard to predict. Lightning strikes are one of the leading weather-related causes of death […]

Why you should have one-on-one meetings

One-on-one meetings are an essential part of being a great leader. You may think you already have too many meetings, so why schedule even more with every single direct report […]

Surge Protection Video

Service Manager Scott Estep talks about surges and how to protect your home and devices from these dangerous spikes in electricity.

Protect your quaint home from old wiring

old wiring

Old or historical homes are sometimes attractive to potential home buyers, with quaint features and old-world charm. Unfortunately, along with them comes a very dangerous element – an antiquated electrical […]

Body Harness Inspection

harness safety

In our latest video, Safety Director Mike Anderson walks us through the steps of inspecting a body harness properly, and its important to do before every use to prevent injury […]