How technology is changing business

TechnologyRecent advances in technology redefine and restructure the workplace. It’s not just about going paperless, but increasing productivity, streamlining processes, and wasting less time and money. Embracing the opportunities available is essential to the growth and profitability of a business.


Time/cost efficient. In the construction industry specifically, certain computer programs allow for quick counts and faster output of bids, saving time to acquire more work in the same period of time. But there are thousands of programs dedicated to streamlining processes and cutting down on the time it takes to do your job. With the cloud, computer programs, and a paperless environment, a business is saving time and money by not printing documents, distributing them, copying and pasting, mailing, etc. There isn’t a lengthy process to exchange information.


Immediate information exchange. Again, through e-mail and computer programs, you’re able to share information with just one click. We live in a world of instantaneous satisfaction. No one wants to wait for the mail or hope your contact got your voicemail. In turn, this immediate exchange enhances productivity.


Increased productivity. Thanks to immediate information exchange, we’re able to accomplish more work in the same period of time. Technology streamlines processes and we spend less time on one task. It’s also easier to multi-task. When a business is productive it will make money.


Employees can work anywhere. Thanks to the cloud, we are able to stay connected to work 24/7 if we choose. There isn’t a mainframe or centralized location so accessing materials is limitless. You can be productive no matter where you are. In turn, you can immediately complete a task if necessary, share information instantaneously, and cut down on time and costs.


Expanded workforce. Because of cloud and virtual offices mentioned above, you can access talent from anywhere. Companies no longer have to look for local employees if they don’t want to. If your business model can be successful with employees based around the country, or even around the world, then why not hire off-site candidates?


Files are safer. Because you’re storing information over the internet, all of your work materials and job information will never be completely lost, even if your system is down. With the cloud, you don’t have to save everything to one main server or system and risk losing your files if that system crashes. By completely losing files, you’re losing money. While this doesn’t prevent your computer from crashing, it will eliminate the risk of completely losing valuable information.


Reduce physical storage. Technology erases the need for paper and other office supplies. No more scribbling on scrap paper, fewer blueprints lying around, use of pens and pencils decreases, etc. Spend less money on supplies and decrease your storage closet.


Reduce errors. For construction, there are programs such as on-screen takeoff and electrical bid manager, which are synchronized with each other. Because these programs talk to each other and you’re not physically entering data from one to the other, there is less risk of making a mistake. Computer-aided design and building information modeling can provide clear renderings of drawings and optimize project design. This means a high-quality project is completed under budget and on schedule.


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