
Nickle employees mark 7 years without a lost-time accident

safetyToday, February 1, 2017, Nickle Electrical reached an astonishing milestone and set another safety record. Employees have now worked seven years without a lost-time accident! This accomplishment would not be possible without Nickle’s loyal personnel and their dedication to all of the company’s safety programs and guidelines.

Every year, the company continues to sharpen its focus on all safety-related policies and procedures, ensuring each employee is sent home unharmed at the end of the day. Initiatives like the Behavioral-Based Safety Program, Safety Shadow Program, Safety Committee, and others are key components to reaching this goal every year.

Additionally, 2016 marked a year of more safety-related videos. From ladder safety, to smoke detectors, to temporary power, and lock-out/tag-out, our YouTube page contains resources for staying safe in both your home and workplace. Check it out here.

Safety runs through the veins of Nickle employees. They live and breathe it on the job sites every day. Their dedication and commitment cannot be disputed. We’re looking forward to another safe year.

For more information about Nickle’s safety principles, processes, and training, please visit the Safety tab on our website.


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