Types of building construction

Construction comes in all different shapes and sizes. Literally. Sometimes those shapes and sizes are determined by the type of construction taking place. Each endeavor can be classified into a certain category, such as commercial, industrial, institutional, and others. While the bidding process, design, and concepts are similar in a few categories, not all projects fit under together.


Nickle Commercial Project: Barclays Dryrock – 250,000-square-foot office building with 600-car parking garage
Nickle Commercial Project: Barclays Dryrock – 250,000-square-foot office building with 600-car parking garage


This includes new construction and large additions to structures like office buildings, hotels, motels, retail stores, restaurants, shopping centers, warehouses, gas stations, movie theaters, other entertainment facilities, and more. Essentially, it is any building that is zoned for commercial use. Some buildings combine these projects, such as having office space on floors 2-10 and retail and restaurant space on the ground floor. Many local governments and authorities have strict regulations on commercial zoning.


Nickle Industrial Project: Construction for Techmer Polymer, a company that produces plastics and fiber compounds for use in various industries
Nickle Industrial Project: Construction for Techmer Polymer, a company that produces plastics and fiber compounds for use in various industries


The industrial sector is similar to commercial as far as bidding processes and concepts. Where they differ, is what exactly is being built, expanded upon, or undergoing maintenance. This type of construction is limited to factories, power plants, refineries, manufacturing plants, solar projects, and other similar structures.


DAFB Mortuary & Medical Examiner Building
Nickle Institutional Project: 70,000-square-foot Dover Air Force Base Mortuary & 117,000-square-foot Medical Examiner’s Facility


Again, similar processes and design concepts, but institutional construction relates to medical facilities, correctional facilities, libraries, K-12 schools, higher-education buildings, laboratories, fire halls, police stations, and more.



Infrastructure is a beast in itself.  It relates to any project that will improve quality of life for those in surrounding areas or is essential to maintain living conditions. It includes, but is not limited to, roads, bridges, tunnels, water supply, sewers, telecommunications towers, dams, waste management facilities, mass transit, air control towers, pumping stations, electrical powers, and oil pipelines. A lot of these projects rely on local municipalities. Consider it as vital construction – we all need clean water and waste removal, right?


Nickle Service Project: Renovations and upgrades have been done on dozens of Wawas in Delaware and on the Eastern Shore of Maryland
Nickle Service Project: Renovations and upgrades have been done on dozens of Wawas in Delaware and on the Eastern Shore of Maryland


Of course, maintenance needs to be performed on new construction and additions after they’re built. This is where service work comes in. It includes upkeep and troubleshooting on different types of construction, like commercial, industrial, and institutional. This category can also include new construction, renovations, or additions but on a much smaller scale than commercial – not a multi-million dollar, 50-story office building.



This is related to service work, but is limited to homes. Service calls are made to relocate a receptacle, troubleshoot problems, install ceiling fans, etc. only in residences.

Nickle Residential Project: Panoramic view of ighting work done in a private residence at the Delaware beaches


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